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Prayer Breakfast Jan 2020: Photos from the Event

If you attended the event, please comment below and let us know what was most memorable for you.

Saturday January 25, the Prayer Committee of IS/IVCF Cayman Islands hosted our second prayer breakfast for the academic year 2019-2020. We were so happy that many of our friends and supporters joined us for this cause.

The event was held at Triple C School and students from the YES Club led us in various forms of worship. Thank you Triple C! Students, sponsors, and parents gave testimonies of how God is indeed answering our prayers and working in the schools. Prayer requests were also shared and will be shared for continued prayer.

We value prayer. Someone once said, "nothing of eternal significance is done apart from prayer". This is true for what we believe. Prayer is how we to speak to and hear from our Heavenly Father. It is by prayer, petitions, supplications with thanksgiving that we intercede for students in the Cayman Islands. It is through prayer that our work and efforts are offered to God for His blessing and favour.

This is why we have a special team who have taken up the task to lead the prayer charge for IS/IVCF Cayman Islands. They are praying for us, our students, and the ministry; often up in the wee hours of the morning praying for your children, your students.

Special Thanks. Behind the scenes, the Prayer Committee worked tirelessly over the course of several months to pray and organize the Prayer Breakfast - and God truly answered prayers. Thank you Prayer Committee for labouring for the cause of Christ.


Will you join us in regularly praying for the students of the Cayman Islands?

If you are interested in joining our Prayer Network, or you would like to know other ways of supporting the Ministry, please send us a note in the Contact page and we will add you to our prayer WhatsApp group and mailing list.


Below are highlights from the 01/20 Prayer Breakfast.


Save the Date: Our next Prayer Breakfast will be held on Saturday May 16, 2020.


Save the Date: Our next Prayer Breakfast will be held on Saturday May 16, 2020.