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Mrs Beverley Chin-Sinn

I am from Jamaica and before coming to the Cayman Islands, I lived in the Bahamas where I taught at Kingsway Academy, a Private Christian School with grades K-12.  The Bahamas provided a long enough stop to meet and marry the love of my life, Hugh Chin-Sinn.  Since 1988, we made the beautiful Cayman Islands home and began building our family.  I am very satisfied being Hugh’s wife and mother of two adult children.

I have a Master of Science and a Bachelor of Education Degree as well as a Teacher’s Diploma.  I worked at the John Gray High School for 18 ½ years in the capacity of Classroom Teacher, Careers Counselor and School Administrator.  I was actively involved in the leadership of the FOCUS Campus Ministry for the duration of my time there.  The Lord then led me on to First Baptist WEE Care where I served as the Pre-school Director for 9 ½ years, culminating this summer.  

IS-IVCF is in my DNA.  God’s greatest gift to me was His free gift of salvation at a very early age, His provision of a church family and an ISCF family at my high school.  I was kept grounded during my teen years despite not having Christian parents.  During the college years, I was tremendously blessed to have had an Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship on my campus as well.  Having experienced the joy of Christian community on campus, I was committed to “pay it forward’, hence my involvement with FOCUS and now as a member of the IS-IVCF Board of Directors, Cayman.  


As a Christian educator, I carry a burden to see my students come to believe and follow Christ. 3 John 1:4 says it eloquently: “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”


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