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General Info

What is Salt and Light Retreat?

Salt and Light Retreat is an overnight weekend retreat hosted by the Interschool/Intervarsity Christian Fellowship of the Cayman Islands (ISIVCF KY). The retreat invites students ages 9-17 to encounter God over 2-nights and three-days of fun, transformative activities. Held at the Prospect Youth Centre the retreat will incorporate both indoor and outdoor activities traditionally associated with the camp environment.  This retreat is also a connectional encounter. Students will pull away with other students both from affiliate ISCF clubs and youth groups from all over Cayman.


Why choose Salt and Light?

The Interschool / Intervarsity Christian Fellowship of the Cayman Islands (ISIVCF) is a registered non-profit organization within the Cayman Islands. The organization has been in existence since 2013 and has engaged in campus ministry consistently.  ISIVCF is an affiliate member of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES), which comprises over 160 countries and over 150,000 students worldwide.


Since 2013, ISIVCF has been blessing students, schools, churches by pioneering student ministry in high schools in Cayman. The organization operates in seven schools, partnering with Christian clubs to promote a safe place for students to encounter Christ in community.


People who spend time at ISIVCF events are well-impressed and pleasantly surprised by the feeling of student leadership, safe relationships and interaction with other students, staff, and volunteers. 


Who can attend the retreat? 

  • Students ages 9-17

  • Teachers responsible and their Christian School Clubs.*

  • Youth Workers with youth from their youth group attending*

*There must be one adult (21 years of age or older) teacher or youth leader for every group of three or more students attending.


How long will the retreat run?

The retreat runs from 3pm Friday afternoon and ends on Sunday afternoon at 1:00pm. 

Salt and Light is a two-night, three-day retreat packed with fun, games, talks, and prayer. The retreat is designed to provide students with an opportunity to encounter God individually, but it is also a connectional encounter, where they meet and fellowship with other students from ISCF clubs and youth from all over Cayman. The retreat will offer passionate worship, Bible studies and a meaningful time with other teens at the Prospect Retreat Centre in Prospect, Grand Cayman. It is a great opportunity for your child to get more acquainted with their small group in addition to growing in community with other youth their age.


What is the theme about?

The theme, Salt and Light: Living As Salt and Light in a Godless World is based on Matthew 5:13-15: “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by people. “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Your light must shine before people in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven." 


The retreat will teach students the value and practice of cultivating a life of prayer, worship and devotion, so that they can be effective witnesses of Christ Jesus.



The maximum retreat capacity is 24 students. There are 12 male and 12 female slots available.

Please register your child early to be sure he/she gets a spot. Registration Opens April 19! 

A non-refundable $25 deposit fee is required at the time of registration.


If the retreat becomes full, a waiting list will be created.  For more information, please contact Moni Hall, ISIVCF Staff Worker/Retreat Coordinator at or 929-5111.


Are there important dates and deadlines?

  • Monday April 19  - Registration opens

  • Saturday May 1 - $25 Non-refundable deposit due

  • Friday May 14 - Balance due at check-in

**Deposits may be paid to School Sponsors or at the Discipleship Weekend on May 1st. To arrange pickup contact us at 929-5111


What registration packages are available?

We have two options to choose from: 

  • Overnight Registration Fee - $65 (includes full retreat registration)

  • Daytime Camper - $30 (covers Friday evening, Saturday, and Sunday morning)

  • **Both registration packages include meals served, t-shirt, and retreat materials


How do I register?

You may register online or download the registration form and submit it in person, send completed registration form to your school ISCF club sponsor, or at the Discipleship Weekend on May 1st. 


Are there other forms needed?

All students will need to fill out a medical health statement  bring it with it at check in. A parent or guardian signature is required on forms for students who are under age 18.


How do I pay?
Retreat spots fill up on a first come, first served basis. Spots will be held only with a completed registration form (received online or in person) and a $25 non-refundable deposit.  A deposit or full payment assures your child a place at the retreat. You may register online , in person, send completed registration form to your school ISCF club sponsor, or at the Discipleship Weekend on May 1st. Any outstanding payments will be due upon arrival at check-in on Friday May 14. 


Can I drop-off my payment?

To arrange drop-off/pick-up contact our Staff Worker at 929-5111.  


Do you accept debit or credit card payment?

At this time we do not accept debit or credit card payments.


Are there discounts or financial assistance available?

Sponsorship is available for those in dire need of financial assistance. Students must complete the Sponsorship Form and submitting it along with your registration form.


Cancellations & Refunds

In the event of a cancellation, ISIVCF requires notification via email or phone call. 

Full refund (minus the $25 non-refundable registration deposit) = 14+ days before the first day of retreat or medical cancellation.
No refund = Less than 7 days before the first day of retreat. 



Have a question?

If your question or concern is not addressed above, please call Moni, ISIVCF Staff Worker/Retreat Coordinator,  at 929-5111 or email your question to and we will be happy to answer your questions. Thanks!​


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IS/IVCF Cayman Islands

© 2024 Inter-School/Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship

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